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About Us

The Way It Should Be

Wastedump recognizes that when the environment is healthy, humanity thrives better. The converse is equally true. When the environment is polluted, the lives and livelihoods of humans are threatened. When we harm the environment, we are inflicting the same on humanity.


We, individually and collectively, have the capacity to minimize if not eliminate waste that is harmful to our beautiful environment. At Wastedump we accept that any initiatives to recover waste will not be fully effective until waste is recovered before it is mixed or contaminated. Our solution is therefore underpinned by separating waste at the source


Wastedump does not believe significant change will materialize if waste generators are excluded in the waste management value chain and/or the solutions. Our system therefore rewards the waste generator for the right, moral, and revolutionary act of separating waste and feeding it into our chain.


Every waste generator must know their waste footprint in non-ambiguous ways and Wastedump is able to provide this information to each waste generator. An informed waste generator is empowered to take meaningful steps in the Reuse, Reduce, and Recycle campaign.


So that we act collectively, Wastedump has created an income generation opportunity for region sponsors. Region sponsors pay a deposit which secures them a ward from our shop and are rewarded with a percentage share of all waste collected from the ward and sold through the system.


Our platform assists a large number of waste collectors who currently forage in landfills, illegally and dangerously so, to reform their activity to lawful, respectable, and supported collections directly from the premises of residential, commercial, and industrial waste generators.


Our initiative aims to increase the volume of waste that enters circular streams as well as the breadth of waste types that can be recycled. The waste recycling economy will thus increase its contribution to the GDP of the country. Respectable jobs will be realized and career development paved for interested candidates.


Wastedump is also an information collection system that serves to provide accurate data about waste, its classification, volumes, and distribution. Waste management strategies are bound to become better when informed by accurate and reliable data. Similarly, accuracy in forecasting future waste trends is enhanced when the source data is reliable.



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