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Est Population in Ward :              7,769#
Est Waste Per Day in Ward:        10,876.60Kg
Est Recyclable Waste per Day in Ward:        5,547.07Kg
Est Collections by Wastedump per Day :           1,109.41Kg
Est Wastedump Sales per Day :           665.65R
Est Wastedump Sales per Month :        20,246.85R
Est Wastedump Sales per Year :  242,962.25R
Your Est Income per Year (5% of Sales) :        12,148.11R
Monthly Subscriptions % of Revenue :                   2.50%

Ephraim Mogale - Ward 11

SKU: 94701011
R1 943,73 Regular Price
R1 749,36Sale Price
    • The deposit paid is non-refundable
    • Your revenue rights are for a period of 12 months
    • Your revenue rights to the ward will continue beyond 12 months until you have earned a return of 100% on investment
    • You will pay a monthly subscription of 2.5% on income your receive. No income, no subscription to pay.
  • The twelve months revenue rights period will start from the date waste is picked up from the ward. When waste is picked up from your ward you will start to earn monthly income that is automatically creditted to your account. You can withdraw your funds at any point of your choosing.

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